Student Association
All fee-paying students at Fredonia are members of the Student Association. The Representative Assembly, which is the governing body, is divided into the five classes (freshman through graduate) and has one elected representative for every 100 students in the class.
The representatives have a very important responsibility. Besides representing their constituents at the assembly meetings, they are individually appointed to faculty committees of their choice. Through these committees, students voice their opinions on such matters as academics, food services and Student Affairs. Student membership on these committees is not limited to assembly members; however, everyone is encouraged to participate.
The association also has committees and departments of its own which require student input.
Elections for the office of president and vice president of the Student Association are held every November for a one-year term that runs from January to December. The Student Association President has the privilege of appointing a comptroller. The Speaker of the House is nominated and elected annually by the assembly.
Students are encouraged to become involved with the Student Association. The association determines how the resources (activity fee) of the students are allocated and released over the year and submit for approval by the University President an annual budget.
The Student Association Office is located in the Williams Center, Room G112. Students may stop in any time to join a committee, become a representative or just to ask questions. The office is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. For additional information, please call (716) 673-3381.