GEO 400 Stratigraphy

Principles of stratigraphy with examples of stratigraphic successions from various sedimentary basins around the world. Course emphasizes techniques of basin analysis and mechanisms of basin formation. The writing and peer review of abstracts are stressed in the course. In addition, students are required to submit a written report describing their results of a field stratigraphic study of the Devonian section of western New York.



GEO 165 and GEO 169 and GEO 210

GEO 410 Directed Study

Independent study and research in areas beyond formal courses. Permission of department.


GEO 411 Mineralogy

An introduction to descriptive crystallography and to chemical, physical, deteminative and descriptive mineralogy. Areas covered include: crystal symmetry, classification, morphology, crystal chemistry, physical properties, geologic occurrence, significance, and characteristic properties of minerals. Lectures and laboratory supplemented with one field trip.



CHEM 115* and GEO 165*

Cross Listed Courses

* Indicates that the course can be taken in the same semester

GEO 421 Petrology

Lecture emphasis on problems and hypotheses involved with the origin of rocks. Laboratory stresses use of the petrographic microscope for identification, description, and analysis of rock materials. A well-written research paper, which may include computer, lab, and library research, is required. Course includes a weekend trip to study classic rock terrains in the Adirondack Mountains.



GEO 411

GEO 431 Geochemistry

Scope, literature, and history of geochemistry. Principles and applications of geochemistry, including the elements; isotope geology; thermodynamics; water chemistry; crystal chemistry; organic geochemistry; geochemistry of sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks. Lab work emphasizes instrumental methods of analysis.



GEO 411

GEO 445 Geosciences Internship

Approved work-training experience with state or federal agency, museum, or industrial firm. Permission of department.


GEO 450 Hydrogeology

Hydrologic problems are analyzed by organizing information into a water budget and then quantifying the variables in the water budget equation. Common hydrologic variables include precipitation, evaporation, transpiration, stream flow, infiltration and groundwater. Groundwater is emphasized. Lectures supplemented by field work, lab measurements, and computer modeling.



GEO 165 and GEO 330 and GEO 169

GEO 455 Laboratory Supervision in Geosciences

Students serve as laboratory assistants under supervision of faculty member. Four hours of work per week expected for each hour of credit elected; may be taken more than once. Does not count toward major requirements. Permission of the chairperson.


GEO 459 Seminar in Geosciences

This course is designed for senior-level Geology majors. In this first semester seminar course every student will present several short seminars as preparation for a full-length seminar on a current research topic to be given in the second semester senior seminar course. Emphasis is given on detailed knowledge of the subject matter, techniques for searching the professional literature, and procedures for the preparation and presentation of a professional presentation.


GEO 460 Senior Seminar

Course Description: Each student will present a seminar on a current research topic during the spring semester of their senior year. Emphasis on detailed knowledge of the subject matter, techniques for searching the professional literature, and procedures for the preparation and presentation of a professional seminar.


GEO 461 Field Geology

Two-week geologic mapping course immediately following end of spring semester (Summer Session I). Held at Catskill, N.Y.



GEO 370

GEO 471 Senior Thesis

Research leading to a comprehensive report reviewed and evaluated by faculty. Open to B.S. Geology majors in Honors Track only. Permission of department/enrollment in B.S. Geology Honors track.


GEO 480 Special Topics in Geosciences

Special area of geosciences not covered by regular courses.


GEO 481 Special Topics in Geosciences

Special area of geosciences not covered byregular courses.


GEO 482 Special Topics in Geosciences

Special area of geosciences not covered by regular courses.


GEO 483 Special Topics in Geosciences

Special area of geosciences not covered by regular courses.


GEO 484 Special Topics in Geosciences

Special area of geosciences not covered by regular courses.


GEO 485 Special Topics in Geosciences

Special area of geosciences not covered by regular courses.


GEO 486 Special Topics in Geosciences

Special area of geosciences not covered by regular courses.


GEO 487 Special Topics in Geosciences

Special area of geosciences not covered by regular courses.


GEO 488 Special Topics in Geosciences

Special area of geosciences not covered by regular courses.


GEO 489 Special Topics in Geosciences

Special area of geosciences not covered by regular courses. Permission of the department.
