Transfer Credit from Other Institutions

After a student has been admitted to Fredonia, the Office of the Registrar evaluates transcripts from other colleges and/or universities. Faculty are consulted in establishing course equivalencies. Credit will be awarded for parallel liberal arts courses, taken at regionally accredited institutions, in which a passing grade was earned. However, academic departments may have minimum grade requirements and courses may need to be repeated. Students should consult the academic program section in the college catalog for minimum grade requirements. Official transcripts are required for evaluation. College credit that is more than 10 years old will be reviewed by the academic department and may not apply to current degree requirements. The student is responsible for requesting course descriptions from the original institution if deemed necessary.

Students may transfer up to 75 hours of college credit from their previous college(s). Your academic department chairperson or designee determines the distribution of specific courses in fulfillment of departmental requirements in your chosen field of study and provides information about which courses you will need to complete degree requirements in a timely manner.

Your grade point average does not transfer; only credit hours are awarded. Your Fredonia transcript will only display the transfer college name and the total number of credits accepted by Fredonia. You must fulfill all university and departmental requirements for the baccalaureate degree, including a residency requirement of 45 semester hours of credit at Fredonia. Additional requirements for the Bachelor’s Degree are located in the All Programs section in the catalog.

Visit our Transfer Student Services web page to view our transfer credit equivalency database and a list of current articulation agreements. As a prospective transfer student, we encourage you to visit the university to discuss transfer credit and graduation requirements with a departmental academic advisor or our admissions transfer counselor.