Music, School of

Office: 1151 Mason Hall
(716) 673-3151
Melvin P. Unger, Director
Laura Koepke, Associate Director and Graduate Coordinator
Barry M. Kilpatrick, Assistant Director

Curricular Area Coordinators:

Academic Studies
Michael Markham

Music Education
Katherine M. Levy

Sarah Hamilton

Music History/Literature
James A. Davis

Music Theory
Gordon Root

Music Composition
Robert Deemer

Music Therapy
Joni Milgram-Luterman

Sound Recording Technology
Bernd Gottinger

Applied Studies
Sean Duggan, Keyboard
Kay H. Stonefelt, Percussion/Harp
Wildy Zumwalt, Woodwinds
David Rose, String
Barry Kilpatrick, Brass
Julie Newell, Voice

The State University of New York at Fredonia School of Music is internationally recognized for its programs at the undergraduate and graduate professional level. It provides the foundation of outstanding musicianship for all music majors and enriches the cultural life of the campus and community. Its mission is to provide the resources and guidance necessary to motivate students to seek excellence in their individual careers in music education, performance, composition, musical theatre, music therapy and sound recording. In an environment oriented to the individual, it endeavors to create musicians who will assume vigorous roles as leaders and participants in significant musical experiences.

An audition is required for admission to a degree program in the School of Music. All first-year students have essentially the same course work, and specialization increases in each subsequent year of study.

All students pursuing a degree program in the School of Music take private lessons on their principal instrument (Applied Music) and will be involved in ensembles.

Statement on Applied Study: A grade of "F" in any semester of private applied study or a grade of "D" in two consecutive semesters of private applied study will result in the removal of the student from the School of Music curriculum.

Statement on Ensembles: Students following a Bachelor of Science degree program in the School of Music must earn a total of four (4) credits in ensembles. Enrollment is required especially during the semesters of private applied study. Students in the Bachelor of Music degree program must be in a 1-credit ensemble each semester of residency as a minimum. This enrollment will be using the principal instrument unless specifically exempted by the administration of the School of Music. Students in residence for more than four years should continue in 1-credit ensembles as a minimum, unless advised otherwise. Students in Musical Theatre should refer to the ensemble requirement information in the Department of Theatre and Dance.

No student may be in more than four ensembles in any given semester.

Statement on Music Theory and Aural Skills: to begin the theory sequence, new and transfer students take a placement exam. Following initial placement, students must earn a grade of C- or higher in each course to pass into each successive level.

Statement on the Graduate Program: The School of Music offers four masters degrees: Music Education, Music Education Studies, Music Performance, and Music Theory-Composition.

Statement on Accreditation: The State University of New York at Fredonia is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM), the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP), and the National Association of Schools of Theatre (NAST).