Personal Safety and Campus Security Committee

Pursuant to the N.Y.S. Education Law Article 129-A, section 6431, the Personal Safety and Campus Security Committee reviews current campus security policies and procedures and makes recommendations for their improvement. The committee specifically reviews current policies for:

  1. Educating the campus community, including security personnel and those persons who advise or supervise students, about sexual assault.
  2. Educating the campus community about personal safety and crime prevention.
  3. Reporting sexual assaults and dealing with victims during investigations.
  4. Referring complaints to appropriate authorities.
  5. Counseling victims.
  6. Responding to inquiries from persons concerned about campus safety.

The committee consists of a minimum of six members, at least half of whom shall be female. The committee consists of two students appointed by the Student Association, two faculty members appointed by the University Senate, and two individuals appointed by the University President.

The committee reports, in writing, to the University President or chief administrative officer on its findings and recommendations at least once each academic year, and such reports shall be available upon request.

For more information regarding the Personal Safety and Campus Security Committee, persons should contact the Chief of University Police at (716) 673-3333 or email or the Office of Enrollment and Student Services at (716) 673-3271 or email