PSY 300 Intermediate Statistics

Application of statistical concepts to experimental design in psychological research.



PSY 200

PSY 310 Advanced Research Methods

In-depth examination of various methodologies employed in psychology, including factorial design.



PSY 210

PSY 317 Tests and Measurements

Introduction to the principles of testing including reliability and validity. The nature and application of different types of tests (measures of achievement, aptitude, intelligence, personality, and interests) are discussed. Both occupational and educational testing are covered.



PSY 129 and PSY 200

PSY 328 Positive Psychology

Positive Psychology focuses on human strengths and positive outcomes. Research on positive psychological states such as optimism, hope, wisdom, courage, mindfulness, flow, and self-efficacy will be presented. We will consider how empathy, gratitude, and forgiveness contribute to positive interpersonal relations; and how our educational system, sense of community, and institutional priorities can contribute to our self-fulfillment.



PSY 129

PSY 342 Perception

An investigation of the mental operations involved in the process of obtaining information from one's everyday environment and constructing the psychological representations that form the basis of the capacity to adapt to that environment. Topics include the perception of space, motion, and form; perceptual constancies; perceptual organization; attention and search; learning and development.



PSY 129

PSY 344 Psychology of Language

The study of human language and thought processes. The course covers the following topics: speech perception, the role of memory systems in processing sentences and storing knowledge, the development of the language rule system in children, the influence of mother's language on the acquisition process, and second language acquisition.



PSY 129

PSY 347 Organizational Psychology

Examination of the dynamic nature of interpersonal behavior within an organizational context. Topics include motivation, group processes, leadership, stress, decision-making, and communication. Personnel matters including selection, training, and appraisal are discussed.



PSY 129

PSY 349 Child Psychology

A review of research findings and normative data pertaining to children in such areas as perception, learning, cognition, and personality.



PSY 129

PSY 351 Physiological Psychology

Study of physiological basis of behavior.



PSY 129

PSY 355 Group Dynamics

Analysis and evaluation of concepts, hypotheses, techniques, and research in group dynamics.



PSY 129

PSY 356 Abnormal Psychology

Introduction to psychological disorders, focusing on theoretical approaches to conceptualizing abnormal behavior and current research regarding the symptomatology, etiology, and treatment of disorders. Methods of assessment and diagnosis of mental disorders will also be examined.



PSY 129

PSY 358 Psychology and the Law

An examination of the legal system through the use of psychological concepts, methods, and research results. Controversial legal issues will be examined. Topics will include theories of crime, forensic assessment, the insanity defense, the trial process, and the impact of gender and ethnicity. Influential cases will be analyzed from a psychological perspective.



PSY 129

PSY 361 Cognitive Neuroscience

Cognitive neuroscience is the study of the biology of the mind. The disciplines of cognitive psychology, behavioral neurology, and neuroscience, have combined to form this relatively new field. The course will address the neural bases of cognition including topics such as perception, attention, memory, language, cerebral lateralization and specialization, motor control and development.



PSY 129

PSY 364 Cognitive Development

A study of the conceptual changes which occur during childhood. Topics include theories of cognitive development, infant perceptual capabilities, the evolution of representations, memory systems, language acquisition, and reasoning. Focus is on current research and theory.



PSY 129

PSY 365 Social Development

Explores the process of socialization. Theories and research relating to social development in areas such as achievement, self-concept, aggression, altruism, and gender roles are covered. Emphasis on the impact of and linkage between various socialization agents (e.g., parents, peers, and school). Social issues (e.g., divorce, drug abuse, etc.) and intervention programs will be considered.



PSY 129

PSY 366 Psychology of Adulthood

Examination of data and theory having to do with psychological issues of importance in adult development (perception, cognition, identity, intimacy, socialization, life phases, etc.), and implications of these for adults and those working with them.



PSY 129

PSY 370 Cross-Cultural Psychology

An introduction to psychological theory and research from the perspective of other cultures. Investigates the origins of psychological thought and overviews the development of the discipline in various historical and political contexts. Focus will vary from semester to semester depending upon instructor.



PSY 129

PSY 373 Human Factors

The study of how humans perceive, think about, and interact with technology and machines. Includes evaluating human performance with technological systems, and designing such systems for reducing human error.



PSY 129

PSY 379 Child Psychopathology

An introduction to the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of abnormal behavior in children and adolescents, with consideration of variability in symptomatology and treatment as a function of developmental status.



PSY 356

PSY 380 Special Topics

Special topics in psychology not covered in detail by regular courses and not offered on a regular basis.



PSY 129

PSY 391 Multicultural Counseling

The course will focus on the effects of culture on the nature and behavior of individuals, their adaptations to institutions and environments, and their relations within and outside of their culture. The impact of concepts like ethnocentrism, stereotypes, racism and prejudice will be explored in-depth to help students understand how they are ever-present, especially during the counseling process. Issues relevant to providing effective multicultural counseling will be explored from a theoretical perspective. The course will provide a solid foundation for an applied course in multicultural counseling at the graduate level.



PSY 129