MUTY 605 Foundations of Advanced Music Therapy II

The goals of this seminar are to provide an introduction to the concepts of theory building and philosophical inquiry in music therapy and qualitative research, to exchange ideas in a collaborative process and develop a personal theory and philosophy of music in/as therapy. Students will become familiar with the nature and process of philosophical inquiry and qualitative research, explore the concept of "meaning" in music, therapy and music therapy, and become familiar with existing literature in music therapy philosophical, theoretical and qualitative research.


MUTY 620 Vocal Psychotherapy Practice

Students will be trained in vocal psychotherapy, a model of in-depth (reconstructive) music therapy that utilizes sounds, vocal improvisation, songs and dialogue within a therapeutic relationship to promote intrapsychic and interpersonal change. Students will have opportunities to observe, participate in and conduct voice-centered therapeutic experiences and interventions. They will also become experienced in transitioning between musical interventions and verbal interventions. The course format includes lecture, review of assigned readings, demonstration, peer teaching and participation in individual and group vocal psychotherapy exercises and experiences.


MUTY 630 Theory and Practice in Guided Imagery and Music

Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) is a form of advanced practice as outlined in the AMTA scope of practice standards and the AMTA Advanced Competencies in the areas of Professional Growth and Development, Clinical Administration, Advanced Clinical Skills, Personal Growth and Development, and Musical and Artistic Development. It also addresses the New York State License in Creative Arts Therapy curriculum in the areas of preparation in music therapy for the practice of creative arts therapy; theories in creative arts therapy; assessment and appraisal of individuals; and clinical instruction. It is the second of three courses in the development of GIM skills and knowledge.


MUTY 640 Clinical Applications of Guided Imagery and Music Theory and Practice

Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) is a form of advanced practice as outlined in the AMTA scope of practice standards and addresses the AMTA New York State License in Creative Arts Therapy curriculum in the areas of preparation in music therapy for the practice of creative arts therapy; theories in creative arts therapy; and clinical instruction. Its is the final of three courses that follow the development of GIM skills and knowledge. Students may be eligible to apply to become Fellows of Guided Imagery and Music.


MUTY 650 Advanced Practicum in Music Therapy

This course accompanies Clinical Courses: Clinical Piano Improvisation, Vocal Psychotherapy and Guided Imagery & Music. Clinical sites may be at the students’ place of employment or at university created placements. Supervision is provided by Board Certified Music Therapists & Licensed Creative Arts Therapists who are university affiliated supervisors. This course may be repeated. A minimum of 500 hours of Advanced Practicum is required for students entering the program as Board-Certified Music Therapists



MUTY 518 and MUTY 520 and MUTY 530