ETHN 200 CMA Service Learning

This one-credit service learning course allows students who are on the executive board of one of the Center for Multicultural Affairs student groups to further their knowledge about the relationship between the student group and the academic pursuits of ETHN minors and WGST majors and minors.


ETHN 205 Introduction to American Indian Studies

Explains the origins and evolution of American Indian Studies as a program, placing it within the historical, political, social and cultural context in which it developed. Students will learn why a multi-disciplinary approach can be beneficial to the understanding of American Indian experiences in North America. This course explores the different sets of knowledge produced by and about American Indians and the complicated relationship between American Indians and the United States government. By interrogating representations of American Indian identity, this course will engage students in discussions about the complexity of race, self-representation, and cultural politics


ETHN 206 Introduction to African American Studies

Study of the intellectual and social origins of the discipline known as African American Studies. Key concepts, themes, and theories of the discipline will be discussed in the class.


ETHN 225 Introduction to Latino History and Culture

An interdisciplinary approach to historicizing the Latino experience in U.S. history. The course examines the political and cultural dynamics of Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, Cubans, and Dominicans within an historical context sensitive to changes and continuities in American history.


ETHN 240 Introduction to African American Literature and Culture

An examination of major works by African American novelists, poets, dramatists, filmmakers, musicians, and essayists in terms of the intellectual and political concerns of their periods and locations. Cross-listed with ENGL 240.


ETHN 241 Introduction to Latino/a Literature

Study of works by and about Latinos, including poetry, novels, film, drama, music, and essays. Focus on culture of people of Hispanic descent living in the United States, including Chicanos, Puerto Ricans, Dominican Americans, and Cuban Americans, with some consideration of the ongoing relations between U.S. Latinos and Latin America. (Cross-listed as ENGL 241.)


ETHN 242 American Indian Literature

Study of a variety of works, including traditional tales, novels, poems and memoirs, produced by American Indians from historical beginnings to the present. (Cross-listed with ENGL 242.)


ETHN 282 Pre-Columbian and Colonial Latin America

An introductory survey of the history of early Latin America, from antiquity to the European conquest to the wars for independence in the early 19th century. Special attention is given to indigenous and African influences in the shaping of society and culture. (Cross-listed with HIST 282.)


ETHN 283 Latin America: Revolution & Reform

An introductory survey of the history of modern Latin America, from the wars for independence in the early 19th century to nation-state building, reform movements, violent revolutions, and democratization in the 20th century. Special attention is given to Native American influences in the shaping of modern society. The contested role of the United States in Latin American domestic policy also is considered. (Cross-listed with HIST 283.)