ARTS 400 Senior Seminar

Formal and technical preparation for senior exhibits. Career development includes a writing component to aid the student in developing a resume, cover letter and artist's statement.


ARTS 415 Drawing and Painting IV

Students continue to expand on the topics covered in Drawing and Painting III while fine-tuning technical and intellectual processes in clarifying their visual language. Students will learn processes in documenting and preparing artwork for graduate schools and exhibitions. Students will also continue to research, write and discuss historical and contemporary theories in art while researching issues related to their preparation as they begin their lives as professional artists. These concepts are expanded upon in Directed Study: Drawing and Painting



ARTS 315 or ART 387

ARTS 422 Advanced Experimental Video

An advanced studio art course where students continue the development of their own personal artistic voice through a complex project or series of integrated projects. New video production and post-production techniques will be explored as a class and independently. Development of skill sets required for an independent video artist will be emphasized.



ARTS 222

ARTS 425 Advanced Interactivity

Allows students time to expand upon the knowledge learned in Art and Interactivity for the Web. Independent projects will be produced to solidify knowledge of interactive art, web development and multimedia production.



MEDA 265 or ARTS 325

ARTS 429 Experimental Video Capstone

An advanced course pursuing the refinement and execution of artistic video projects. Further focus on the development of theory and context behind individual student projects will be stressed through discussion and writing. Development of professional practices, including artist statements and demo reels will be required.



ARTS 322 or ARTS 422 or ARTS 323 and ARTS 324

ARTS 440 3D Objects and Ideas

An advanced sculpture course that allows students to define and develop a personal body of work representing a serious exploration in their chosen mediums. Emphasis is placed on the continued development of technical craft and the refinement of thematic concerns. Appropriate information pertaining to theory and practice is provided. Professional practices including portfolio preparation, resumes, and artist statements are discussed.



(ARTS 340 and ARTS 240) or ARTS 241 or (ART 357 and ART 257) or ART 258

ARTS 459 Photographic Inquiry

Personal exploration in image development. Refinement of individual conceptual concerns and development of the professional portfolio. Issues will include professional practice, critical analysis and hybrid media. Students explore theoretical and critical concepts through relevant and interrelated readings, lectures, discussions, presentations along with individual and group critiques.



ARTS 350 or ARTS 352 or ARTS 355 or (ART 305 and ART 310)

ARTS 460 Graphic Design V

Emphasis is placed on conceptual development, symbolic language, and the design of systems across different media. Problem definition and content interpretation is focused on as is the role of the audience in design. Professional practices are introduced including collaboration in the creation of design solutions.



ARTS 361 or ART 360

ARTS 461 Graphic Design VI

Advanced problem solving in independent and investigative concepts. Exploration of actual, theoretical and conceptual concerns of visual communication. Professional practices and portfolio preparation are addressed, explored.



ARTS 460 or ART 401

ARTS 465 Typography III

Typographic theory exploring traditional and nontraditional forms, both historical and contemporary typographic achievements. Analysis of expressive characteristics and experimental uses of letter forms and text.



ARTS 366 or ART 362

ARTS 469 Design Realities/Professional Practice

Comprehensive investigation and research into topics of production and practice in design. Content directed in three primary areas: pre-press preparation and materials, legal affairs, and the professional studio. Issues to be addressed include electronic file management, paper specification, supplier relationships, copyright and plagiarism, business contracts, ethics, studio ownership, management and record keeping. Requires compilation of individual journal and written research/analysis of specific course topic.



ART 401 or ARTS 460

ARTS 470 Advanced Ceramics

Handbuilding or wheel forming procedures are utilized to explore a variety of sculptural approaches to the ceramic form with a continued emphasis on the search for appropriate surface treatments and firing techniques. Students are guided toward the identification and expression of personal ideas in the medium.



ARTS 370 or ART 373

ARTS 485 Advanced Animation/Illustration

An upper level studio course under the Animation/Illustration sequence, which follows Intermediate 2-D Animation and Intermediate Illustration. Students will be encouraged as artists to produce a mature body of work through readings, technical exercises, oral and written presentations, and independent research. Work produced in this class may or may not carry over to the Animation/Illustration Capstone (ARTS 489).



ARTS 380 and ARTS 385 or (ART 381 and ART 382)

ARTS 489 Animation and Illustration Capstone

An advanced class where students work individually or in teams on a semester- long animation or series of illustrations. In addition to the main project, the class will include readings, discussions and animation screenings. The course will also discuss resume and career preparation, portfolio and demo reel creation, graduate school application, and exhibiting work in a professional manner.



ART 481 or ARTS 485

ARTS 490 Learning Assistant

This course is designed for students to become familiar with the instructing process. The student will assist the instructor of an individual studio or art history course in the classroom throughout the semester. Course work includes attendance of all scheduled classes for the course, assisting students during lab or study sessions as well as taking an active role in classroom critiques, discussions and studio maintenance. Permission of the instructor of the accompanying course is required.


ARTS 491 Workshops

Workshops offered in specialized areas, such as ceramics or painting, primarily during the summer to give students an opportunity for intensive study in one aspect of a larger field.


ARTS 494 Directed Studio Projects

Directed studio work in all media. Student meets with designated faculty member on a regular basis throughout the semester. Sound background in area of investigation required. Student must file acceptable plan for proposed project, and may only enroll with instructor's permission.


ARTS 495 Independent Studio Projects

Independent studio work in all media. Sound background in area of investigation required. Student must file acceptable plan or proposed project, and may only enroll with instructor's permission.


ARTS 496 Studio Art Internship

The course allows the student to receive credit for professional experiences related to some aspect of their field of study. Enrollment is to be arranged with an appropriate instructor, by permission only.


ARTS 497 Studio Practicum

Students work with a professional artist or designer, which would include a Visual Arts and New Media faculty member, in a studio and/or office with on-going research projects. Students gain valuable perspective into the work of a professional artist or designer along with insights into the professions. Open to Visual Arts and New Media studio majors only and students may only enroll with instructor's permission.
