Policy on Hazing and Initiation or Affiliation with any Organization

The purpose of this policy is to specifically clarify those behaviors and activities which constitute violations of University regulations and New York State laws pertaining to hazing, and to provide guidance to student organizations in designing new member programs and activities, which serve to protect the human dignity and safety of all persons which will be permitted. This policy applies to all members of a student organization including alumni members. No organization may engage in any form of hazing. A student found responsible for hazing may receive a permanent transcript notation on his or her transcript. This is more particularly described in the Permanent Transcript Notation Policy.

Hazing is defined as engaging in any action or creating a situation intentionally or unintentionally designed to produce mental or physical discomfort, harassment, fatigue, intoxication or excessive ridicule in the course of another person's initiation into or affiliation with any organization. Such activities and situations may constitute hazing but are not limited to the following:

  1. Disfiguration to include branding or self-mutilation
  2. Paddling in any form
  3. Creation of excessive fatigue
  4. Physical and psychological shocks
  5. Activities such as quests, treasure hunts, drinking games, scavenger hunts, road trips, etc. which are conducted in an illegal, demeaning, or dangerous manner
  6. Public wearing of apparel which is conspicuous and not normally in good taste
  7. Engaging in public stunts and buffoonery
  8. Morally degrading or humiliating games and activities
  9. Any activities which interfere with class attendance, class preparation or scholastic activities or activities which are disruptive to any university department or office or classroom
  10. Verbal abuse which leads to public embarrassment or humiliation
  11. Implication that an act of hazing could be pre-initiatory
  12. Engaging in or encouraging excessive or illegal drinking or drug use
  13. Any other activities that are not consistent with fraternal law, ritual or policy, or the policies and regulations of Fredonia

Fredonia reserves the right to revoke recognition of any student organization or club that is found to have violated these rules. Appropriate review of alleged violations may include review by the Vice President for Student Affairs and the Director of Judicial Affairs. Member organizations of Inter-Greek Council and Panhellenic Council may also be reviewed by their respective Judicial Boards. Revocation of recognition may not preclude the imposition of the University Judicial Board; but when considered by the Vice President for Student Affairs to be serious in nature, could result in immediate suspension of organizational recognition until such time as the allegations have been appropriately adjudicated.

Students are prohibited from pledging, joining, or accepting membership with a fraternity, sorority, or student organization which has been dismissed or expelled.

Given the University’s concern regarding the physical and/or mental health risk that expelled student organizations pose, individual students who join expelled student organizations can be charged with this regulation and receive a sanction that would expel/dismiss them from the University. Students who choose to rush, pledge, and/or join an expelled organization can be charged through the Code of Conduct and be expelled/dismissed from the University.