Bias Crimes Prevention

It is a State University of New York at Fredonia policy mandate to protect all members of the Fredonia community by preventing and prosecuting bias or hate crimes that occur within the campus' jurisdiction.

Hate crimes, also called bias crimes or bias-related crimes, are criminal activity motivated by the perpetrator's bias or attitude against an individual victim or group based on perceived or actual personal characteristics, such as their age, religion, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or disability. Hate/bias crimes have received renewed attention in recent years, particularly since the passage of the Federal Hate/Bias Crime Reporting Act of 1990 and the New York State Hate Crimes Act of 2000 (Penal Law Article 485). Copies of the New York law are available from the Office of University Police.

Penalties for bias-related crimes are very serious and range from fines to imprisonment for lengthy periods, depending on the nature of the underlying criminal offense, the use of violence or previous convictions of the offender. Perpetrators who are students will also be subject to campus disciplinary procedures where sanctions including dismissal are possible.

In addition to preventing and prosecuting hate/bias crimes, State University of New York at Fredonia Police also assist in addressing bias-related activities that do not rise to the level of a crime. These activities, referred to as bias incidents and defined by the university as acts of bigotry, harassment or intimidation directed at a member or group within the Fredonia community based on national origin, ethnicity, race, age, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status, color, creed or marital status, may be addressed through the State University's Discrimination Complaint Procedure or the campus conduct code. Bias incidents can be reported to University Police as well as to the Office of Student Affairs.

Anyone who is a victim of, or witness to, a hate/bias crime on campus should report it to the University Police by calling 911 in an emergency, using a Blue Light or other campus emergency telephone, calling (716) 673-3333, or stopping by the University Police Office located on the second floor in Gregory Hall. University Police will investigate and follow the appropriate adjudication procedures.

Victims of bias crime or bias incidents are urged to contact the following offices for assistance:

University Police (716) 673-3333

Office of Student Affairs (716) 673-3271

Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion  (716) 673-3358

Counseling Center (716) 673-3424

Multicultural Affairs (716) 673-3398

For general information on Fredonia security procedures, see the University Police website at or call (716) 673-3333 or email

More information about bias-related and bias crimes, including up-to-date statistics on bias crimes, is available from the Chief of University Police at (716) 673-3333 or the University Police website at