College of Education - Professional Education Unit Information

Important Notification to All Education Majors

All programs and degree options in the College of Education lead to New York State Certification and are subject to the guidelines and mandates established by New York State.

Additionally, all programs and degree options are held accountable to the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) standards. As such, any changes made by the New York State Board of Regents or the NCATE review board have the potential to impact the requirements of the program. Undergraduate programs are reviewed each semester to check compliance with state certification and national accreditation requirements.

Candidates should meet with their faculty advisors and attend all advisement sessions for up-to-date information on current programs and certification requirements.

National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE)

NCATE is a partnership of over 30 national professional organizations, representing over three million Americans, who have united to ensure high quality teacher preparation. NCATE ensures that subject matter content, and how to teach it, is the priority. NCATE standards expect the College of Education to base its programs on content and teaching standards set by professional associations in each content area. NCATE also expects candidates to gain a firm foundation in the liberal arts. NCATE endorsement adds credibility and national transportability to Fredonia certification programs. Fredonia is fully accredited by NCATE.

Program Philosophy and Conceptual Framework for All Certification Programs

The College of Education believes that all children can learn and that they learn best when taught by reflective and responsive educators who carefully assess their instructional competence via reflections upon pupil performance. Responsive educators make informed decisions based on these reflections and adjust instruction to enhance pupil progress. All candidates in the College of Education - Professional Education Unit complete a series of four field-based experiences in local schools. Each field-based experience is taught in conjunction with a required education course to clearly connect educational theory and practice. Each of the field experiences is highly structured, well supervised, and intended to provide multiple opportunities for candidates to Plan, Instruct, Reflect, and Respond with school children in classroom settings. Candidates also enroll in course work related to child and adolescent development, applications of psychology in the classroom, and pedagogical strategies as well as liberal arts and discipline-specific content courses. All of the courses work together to strengthen the candidates' Four Pillars of Understanding — Knowledge, Pedagogy, Diversity, and Professionalism — which in turn support the process of effective planning, instructing, reflecting, and responding. Course work and instruction are rooted in a strong foundation of research-based practices and strategies, contextual factors that influence instruction, and standards for teaching and learning.

Candidate Organizations for All Certification Programs

Within the College of Education, a dynamic and active Teacher Education Club offers activities that provide an array of opportunities for academic, personal, and professional growth, as well as community service. The College of Education also houses the Zeta Upsilon Chapter of the International Honor Society in Education, Kappa Delta Pi. This invitation-only, service-orientated organization provides multiple opportunities for professional growth. In addition, the College of Education sponsors a chapter of the Golden Key International Honour Society.

International Exchange Program

Upon completion of degree requirements, candidates have the opportunity to experience a cultural and educational exchange with either University of Plymouth in Plymouth, England, or Swansea Institute in Swansea, Wales. The five-week internship includes classroom experience in the United Kingdom, organized cultural excursions, and free travel time for individual development. Participants earn 3 hours of graduate course credit.