General Policy
Students seeking knowledge and understanding also need freedom to inquire, to exchange ideas through discussion, publication and public presentations. These opportunities are basic to education in and for a democratic society. To insure these freedoms the university requires a community free from violence, threats, and intimidation; protective of free inquiry; respectful of the rights of others; open to change; supportive of democratic and lawful procedures; and dedicated to the rational and orderly approach to the resolution of human problems. In exercising freedoms and in discharging the rights and obligations of citizenship, students must also recognize their responsibilities to other individuals, to the university, to the state and the nation, and to society in general. Orderly and dignified expression and conduct are expected.
In protection of these freedoms the university must establish certain standards of personal and group conduct. The university may apply sanctions or take other appropriate action when the conduct of individuals or groups on or off campus directly or significantly interferes with the freedom to teach and learn, the safety and health of persons in the community, the maintenance or protection of property, the provision of living accommodations and other services, and the sponsoring of non-classroom activities such as lectures, concerts, athletic events, and social functions.
Counseling, guidance, and rehabilitation are the preferred means for resolving behavior problems. Although disciplinary proceedings play a secondary role in resolving such problems, violation of the Standards of Behavior listed below may result in privilege restriction, suspension, or dismissal.
In the legitimate interest of the university in protecting property and the safety and welfare of specific individuals or the general public, the University President or his/her designee may temporarily suspend an individual, change a student's residence hall location or remove a student from the residence halls pending a decision by the Coordinator of Judicial Affairs, the judicial board or the administrative board.