POLI 200 Statistics

Introduction to the substantive and technological methodology used in study of politics commonly employed by government and business offices. Attendance required. Note: Credit for at most one of the following courses may be applied towards a student's requirements for graduation: BUAD 200, ECON 200, EDU 200, POLI 200, SOC 200, and STAT 200.


POLI 210 Research Methods

Introduction to the variety of methods of analysis employed in the empirical study of politics. Consideration of the debates concerning the character of social science. A discussion of normative and positive methods of analysis and evaluation of topics suited for quantitative and non-quantitative treatments. Research design, data analysis, and reporting of results.



POLI 200 or STAT 200

Cross Listed Courses

PSY 210, SOC 300

POLI 240 Urbanization and Environmental Challenges

Focuses on the dilemmas posed by urbanization in developing countries, where the relentless process of city growth is challenging governments and placing an enormous burden on societies. The course addresses a key question underlying the studies on development and urbanization: how can cities develop economically, and at the same time preserve the quality of the urban space? The interdisciplinary course relies on concepts and theories drawn from the disciplines of political science, sociology and history, and from the subfields of international political economy, public policy, urban planning and environmental studies. It may be taught abroad with a fieldwork component directed by the instructor.


POLI 241 Introduction to Comparative Politics

An introduction to the general issues and methods of inquiry involved in comparative politics. Issues such as economic development, political system, government structure, representation, political culture, or failed states are discussed by examining in greater depth particular country cases from both the industrialized and developing world as well as those at different stages of democratization.


POLI 276 Law and Society

Introductory examination of law as an instrument of social control; philosophies regarding appropriate operations and functions of law and courts; and controversies surrounding questions of proper relationships between law, morals, and governmental policy.


POLI 277 Introduction to Law

An examination of Anglo-American legal principles based upon the analysis of leading court cases. A broad range of topics are covered, including criminal and civil law, legal remedies, punishment, torts, contracts and family law. The course will emphasize the development of legally defined rights and the methods involved in the legal resolution of disputes.


POLI 280 Special Topics in Politics

Examination of a current topic in politics, such as presidential or congressional elections. May be taken more than once as topics change.


POLI 285 Mock Trial I

Preparation of case materials for participation in the trial competition sponsored by the American Mock Trial Association. Competition includes both civil and criminal litigation.


POLI 287 Mock Trial II

Preparation of case materials for participation in the trial competition sponsored by the American Mock Trial Association. Competition includes both civil and criminal litigation.



INDS 285 or POLI 285