English Bachelor of Arts degree

Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts Degree in English

  • The major in English requires a minimum of 39 credit hours of courses selected according to the outline given below. It also requires the completion of a reflective portfolio. In special circumstances, a particular course requirement may be waived and another course substituted with written approval of the chairperson. Students seeking a waiver of a particular course requirement should consult their advisors; approval for such waivers is granted by the Department of English chairperson or designee.
  • No more than 6 credit hours earned in any combination of internships and independent studies may be counted toward the major.

  • Majors in English must complete at least 66 credit hours outside the major in order to graduate. Credits earned for ENGL 100 (English Composition) do not count toward the major, but do count as credit hours outside the major.  Credits transferred as ENGL 099 do not count toward the major, and do count as hours outside the major area toward the 66 credit hours.

  • All students must earn a grade of C or higher in each of their required English courses.

  • All students are required to complete a separate minor in another discipline, in writing,  or in one of the interdisciplinary programs. Double majors and English Adolescence Education majors are exempt from the minor requirement. Students choosing to minor in writing would need more than 120 credit hours to reach 66 credit hours outside of English.

Program Outline:

24 credit hours from the following core courses:

ENGL 106The English Major: An Introduction to Literary Studies


Plus three of the following four courses (9 credit hours)

ENGL 205Epic and Romance


ENGL 207Drama and Film


ENGL 209Novels and Tales


ENGL 211World Poetry


Plus 12 credit hours, as follows:

ENGL 345Critical Reading


ENGL 400Senior Seminar


ENGL 401Portfolio Completion


Literary Period Course

Major Author Course



Literary Period Course and Major Author Course: For lists of appropriate readings, please see the English Department website, http://www.fredonia.edu/department/english.

Of the required 15 additional credit hours in Department of English courses, students are encouraged to take no more than 6 elective credit hours at the 200 level.