Typical Alcohol/Drug Sanction(s)

Listed below are possible sanction(s) for those who violate the drug and alcohol policy. The sanctions listed may be used alone, or in combination, and additional sanctions not listed here may also be applied.

First Offense: The first alcohol- or drug-related offense would typically result in a Disciplinary Warning and a requirement to complete either the online Alcohol or Drug Education Course. The student will be charged a fee to cover the cost of these programs.

Second Offense: The second alcohol or drug related violation would typically result in Disciplinary Probation and a referral to the Fredonia C.A.R.E.S. program, a Counseling Center initiative designed to address alcohol and other drug (AOD) concerns on our campus. The student will be charged a fee to offset some of the cost of the program.

Third Offense: The third offense would typically result in some sort of Disciplinary Suspension. The duration of the suspension would depend on the student's educational and disciplinary record.

If any of the above mentioned offenses are deemed minor, the Residence Director or Coordinator of Judicial Affairs would have the option to issue a lesser sanction. If any of these offenses are major violations of campus policy, the sanctions may be more severe. Major violations would typically stem from police involvement, criminal charges, hospitalization of participants, or involve the illegal sale or distribution of drugs or provision of alcohol to students who are underage.