Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree Requirements (requires admission to a specific major)
21-credit hour Foundation Program plus 52 credit hours of Major Requirements
Total credit hours required: 73+ Visiting Artist Program. ARTS 490-Learning Assistant can be used for a maximum of 6 credit hours of electives under advisement. ARTS 497-Research Practicum can be used for a maximum of 3 credit hours of electives under advisement.
Majors: Animation and Illustration, Ceramics, Drawing and Painting, Graphic Design, Media Arts, Photography, or Sculpture.
Foundation Program: (21 credit hours)
Major Requirements: (52 credit hours)
Animation and Illustration
Electives may emphasize another major within the visual arts as advised
Ceramics students must take ARTS 240 Foundations of 3-D Form and Content in addition to ARTS 270 Foundations in Clay as part of Foundation Program.
Electives may emphasize another major within the visual arts as advised
Drawing and Painting
Graphic Design
Choose two of the following:
Media Arts
Media Arts students must take ARTS 222 - Introduction to Experimental Video Art in addition to ARTS 225 - Digital Foundations as part of Foundation Program.
Electives may emphasize another concentration within the visual arts as advised
Sculpture students must take ARTS 270 Foundations in Clay in addition to ARTS 240 Foundations of 3-D Form and Content as part of Foundation Program.
Electives may emphasize Special Effects for Film and Industry as advised