Fredonia in 4

Fredonia in 4 is a four-year guarantee program for first-time freshmen by which the university pledges to adhere to a commonly understood agreement with students to schedule sufficient class offerings, provide required courses or suitable substitutes as determined by the department, and ensure qualified academic advising.

With the assistance of the Coordinator of Academic Advising & Liberal Arts, faculty and staff advisors are able to ensure that students who are willing to adhere to the requirements for doing so will graduate within four years. The spirit of the four-year agreement at Fredonia is to emphasize the university’s commitment to provide all the essential ingredients that enable a student to graduate with a degree in four years. The rest is up to the student.

For more information about Fredonia in 4, students should contact the chairperson of their major department, or contact the Coordinator of Academic Advising & Liberal Arts, Learning Center, 4th floor Reed Library, (716) 673-3188, or by emailing See