Other Types of Sanctions

If a student is found responsible for misconduct on or off-campus, the following sanctions may be imposed singly or in combination. The sanction(s) imposed will be commensurate with the offending conduct, and may take into account the student's educational record and any previous conduct record.

Verbal Warning – A verbal reprimand which expresses University dissatisfaction with the student's conduct and which clarifies expected behavior in the future. Such a warning is noted in the student's conduct file.

Disciplinary Warning - A written reprimand which expresses University dissatisfaction with the student's conduct and which clarifies expected behavior in the future.

Disciplinary Probation - Written notification that any further violations within the probationary period shall result in more severe disciplinary action. The probationary period will be for a specific period of time and/or until the completion of any specified requirements or conditions that are part of the probation.

Disciplinary Suspension in Abeyance - The student remains enrolled. However, any violation of conduct regulations during the period of suspension in abeyance will, after determination of guilt, result in a minimum sanction of automatic suspension.

Disciplinary Suspension - A decision that removes the student from the University for a specific period of time, usually no more than two years. The suspension might be immediate or begin after the end of the semester. In either case, the student is eligible for consideration for readmission at the end of the specified period. Students that are suspended will not be eligible for a refund. This includes tuition and the cost of on-campus housing. Typically, the sanction also includes the student being barred from the campus for the period of  suspension.

Disciplinary Expulsion/Dismissal - A decision that removes the student permanently from the University. Normally, the penalty shall also include the student being barred from the premises of the University.

Other Sanctions - Other sanctions may include a variety of restrictions and educational related activities. These include but are not limited to:

  • academic or residential network access suspension or restriction
  • prohibition from engaging in any extra-curricular activity
  • prohibition from running or holding an office in any student group or organization
  • prohibition from participation in sports-related activities
  • restricting students from serving on any university committees
  • limiting student employment
  • removal from on-campus housing
  • restriction from specific buildings or residence halls
  • changing student room or residence hall assignment
  • restriction from campus
  • placing holds on records
  • service charges or restitution
  • required counseling
  • required chemical use evaluation
  • required community service
  • required class attendance
  • required Internet research
  • writing a paper
  • required apology