Transfer Credit

A student may transfer a maximum of 9 credit hours of graduate course work completed at another accredited institution into a Master's program at Fredonia comprising 30 credit hours or more. For post-baccalaureate programs under 30 credit hours, such as Advanced Certificate programs, students may transfer up to 30 percent of the total number of credit hours for the intended program. Program coordinators may request approval for accepting additional transfer credit on a case-by-case basis.

Students must secure prior approval before registering for credit courses at other institutions; credit may also be awarded for course work completed without prior approval. The request for transfer credit approval form is available in the forms section of the Graduate Studies website.  The form must include the course catalog number and title, and be accompanied by a description of each course proposed for transfer credit.

Credit toward the degree will be given only for courses in which the student earns grades of A or B. Transfer credit will not be included in the computation of the graduate student's average.
Courses transferred into a degree program cannot be more than five years old by the time the degree requirements are completed, unless an extension has been granted.