Art Exhibitions

Each season, many art exhibits are presented on campus. The 2,000 square-foot Cathy and Jesse Marion Art Gallery, housed within the Michael C. Rockefeller Arts Center, hosts several curated contemporary art exhibits each season. The emphasis of the shows is on contemporary work in painting, printmaking, photography, sculpture, graphic design and media arts. The gallery also hosts exhibits by the visual arts department faculty current students.  All exhibits feature a public reception open to students, faculty, and community residents. The Emmitt Christian Gallery on the second floor of the arts center is used to exhibit class projects, solo student shows, visiting artist work, and other small exhibits throughout the year.


The Cathy and Jesse Marion Art Gallery, on the ground floor of the Michael C. Rockefeller Arts Center, presents original and traveling exhibitions of contemporary art by nationally to internationally recognized artists. Educational programming related to these exhibitions includes class tours, art days for middle and high school students, workshops, lectures, and gallery talks. Publications are available, free of charge, for major exhibitions. Graduating art majors exhibit their work in a senior show at the end of each semester. Exhibitions and receptions are free and open to the public. The Emmitt Christian Gallery, on the second floor of RAC, presents exhibitions of artwork by current Fredonia art majors.