FILM - Film Studies

FILM 220 Film Form

An introductory-level lecture course designed to introduce students to the formal issues involved in the production and perception of moving images. The course provides students with an understanding of aesthetic concepts that support the making of films, digital cinema, videos or video games. It reinforces the use of aesthetic vocabulary and demonstrates how audiences interact with, and are manipulated by, film language and syntax. Therefore, the course is useful for students who wish to enhance their skills in the making of films and videos as well as for students who wish to refine their ability to deconstruct motion pictures for critical and analytical purposes.


FILM 309 Film Analysis

A study of contemporary filmmakers' work in feature length films. Particular focus on production elements that create aesthetic values and reflect our times and concerns.



COMM 155

FILM 399 Special Topics

A variable-content course. The topic will be announced in the online Course Offerings when the course is offered.


FILM 401 Independent Study

The course allows students to design and pursue independent, directed projects in film studies. As a rule, these studies will examine in greater depth or breadth topics that are explored in current course offerings or are not available in current offerings. Permission of the coordinator of Film Studies required.


FILM 470 Senior Film Seminar

The capstone experience for the Film Studies Minor, involving advanced study, usually concerned with critical or historical issues in film. Content varies according to instructor and course title. Enrollment requires completion of 12 credits of film courses or permission of the instructor.