Undergraduate Academic Standing and Probation

The term “in good academic standing” means that a student is eligible or has been allowed to register for and undertake academic course work for the term in question. Being placed on Academic Probation is intended to assist the student in improving their academic performance. A student on Academic Probation is considered “in good standing,” however, if certain conditions are not met (i.e., improvement in GPA), the student can be dismissed from the university.  Students are placed on Academic Probation when their GPA falls below a certain standard.

Students should be aware that changes in Academic Standing may impact eligibility for financial aid, so it is imperative that students use all of the resources available at Fredonia to stay on track or get back on track. Students should reach out to financial aid if they are placed on Academic Probation to determine if their eligibility has been impacted. 

The Academic Standings Committee has adopted the following regulations governing academic standing:

  • A student will be placed on Academic Probation if the cumulative GPA falls below a 2.00. 
  • A student on Academic Probation is required to meet with an advisor (generally a designated member of the student's major academic department) to create a success plan that will assist the student in getting back on track toward completion of their degree. Most success plans include the student meeting with their advisor a minimum of three times during the probationary semester to check in, mark progress, ask for help and receive guidance.
  • “Good academic standing” is defined as maintaining a cumulative GPA of 2.0, meaning that the overall GPA (not individual semester GPA) must be above a 2.0. If a student maintains a cumulative GPA of 2.0, but has a semester GPA below 2.0, they will be given an "academic warning." This warning is simply intended to alert the student that their semester GPA fell below a 2.0. Students are encouraged to work with their advisor to ensure that they have the tools they need to keep on track for the future semester. 
  • A student on Academic Probation may be dismissed if their semester GPA is below a 2.0, AND their cumulative GPA is below a 2.0. For example, if a student is placed on Academic Probation at the conclusion of the fall semester, they will be dismissed if their spring semester GPA AND their cumulative GPA are both below 2.0. 

At the close of each semester, a student whose cumulative quality point average places them within the range of Academic Dismissal will be notified via "Your Connection." Students may appeal this dismissal to their department chairperson/program director, through an online process in  "Your Connection".  The Academic Standings Committee then reviews the appeals of each student. The Academic Standings Committee is comprised of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs (or designee), the Associate Provost for Curriculum, Assessment, and Academic Support, the academic deans, the Vice President for Student Affairs (or designee), the Coordinator for Academic Advising & Liberal Arts and the Registrar.  The decision of the Academic Standings Committee is final.