Readmission and Reinstatement

Students who have withdrawn from the university and wish to return may obtain an application for Readmission/Reinstatement from the Office of The Registrar. Applications are reviewed by the appropriate academic dean and department chairperson and the student must be in good financial and judicial standing.


Students who return to the university after an absence of one calendar year or less, and who left the university in good academic standing (defined by a GPA of 2.0 or higher, and not on academic probation) are eligible to be reinstated. A student who has been reinstated will keep the major(s), minor(s), and/or concentration he or she had at the time of separation from the university. Students who wish to return to a different major, should apply for Readmission.


Students who have left the university either on probation or because of Academic Dismissal, or who have been absent from the university for more than one calendar year, or wish to return to a different major, will need to apply for readmission. The student's application for readmission will be reviewed by the appropriate dean and the department chairperson or program director of the major into which the student seeks readmission.