Grade Point Average

The quality point system is used to indicate a student’s overall academic average.

Each course grade of:

A carries 4.0 quality points per semester hour
A- carries 3.7 quality points per semester hour
B+ carries 3.3 quality points per semester hour
B carries 3.0 quality points per semester hour
B- carries 2.7 quality points per semester hour
C+ carries 2.3 quality points per semester hour
C carries 2.0 quality points per semester hour
C- carries 1.7 quality points per semester hour
D+ carries 1.3 quality points per semester hour
D carries 1.0 quality points per semester hour
D- carries 0.7 quality points per semester hour

Course grades of F, P, S, NP and U carry no quality points.

The grade point average for a semester is determined by dividing the total quality points earned by the number of hours carried that semester; the cumulative grade point average, by dividing the total quality points accumulated to this point in the student’s university career by the total number of hours carried, including courses failed.

Hours earned for courses with P and S grades are not included in figuring the semester or cumulative average; hours failed (grade of F and NP) are.

Students should consult each individual department on its policy for calculating grade point average in the major or minor.